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Academic and artistic activities from our team members.


  • Nikah : Film screening at the festival « Femmes, Égalités, Réalités » organized by MJC Chamonix

    02 Dec 2023

    Festival, Film, Film screening, Nikah

    Dans le cadre de la 7ème édition du festival « Femmes, Égalités, Réalités » organisé par la MJC de Chamonix.
    Projection du moyen métrage dramatique en présence des co-réalisatrice.teurs Mukaddas Mijit & Bastien Ehouzan.
    Projection organisée en partenariat avec le Zouz collective & Marta Vini.

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  • "Nikah", a fiction by Mukaddas Mijit and Bastien Ehouzan

    3 Oct. 2023 (ULB)

    Organized by Vanessa Frangville and Mukaddas Mijit. Co-organized by EASt (ULB). Screening followed by Q&A with Mukaddas Mijit.

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  • Nikah : Film screening Eden Studio Briançon

    6 Oct. 2023 (Briançon)

    With Mukaddas Mijit. Film, livre, rencontre, témoignages : une soirée avec l’artiste ouïghoure Mukaddas Mijit.

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  • Nikah : Film screening at U–jazdowski Cinema

    29 Sept. 2023 (Poland)

    With Mukaddas Mijit. Ujazdowski Cinema and the Sinopsis research group special screening of the film Nikah, followed by a discussion about the Uyghur genocide with the participation of invited guests. The event accompanies the exhibition Tell China’s Story Well.

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  • Nikah at Rhode Island International Film Festival

    11 Oct. 2023 (Rhode Island)

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  • "Nikah" by Mukaddas Mijit and Bastien Ehouzan: Online screening and discussion

    24 July 2023 (Online, Palacký University Olomouc)

    With Mukaddas Mijit. Organized in the framework of the REMOTE XUAR EU-funded project (Summer school 2023).

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  • "Nikah" by Mukaddas Mijit and Bastien Ehouzan:Screening and discussion

    2 May 2023 (Gent, Cine Rio)

    Organized by Mukaddas Mijit, Vanessa Frangville and Sonya Imin. Screening followed by a discussion with Mukaddas Mijit.

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  • "Nikah" by Mukaddas Mijit and Bastien Ehouzan:Screening and Q&A

    1 May 2023 (Brussels, Brussels Short Film Festivals)

    With Mukaddas Mijit. Screening followed by a Q&A.

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  • Courts métrages ouïghours

    18 Dec. 2022 (Paris, Cinéma des cinéastes)

    Co-organized by Vanessa Frangville. Screening of four Uyghur short films.

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