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Academic and artistic activities from our team members.


  • Inner Asia Colloquium: Back from adjacent fields

    5 Dec. 2023 (Online)

    Presentation by Sonya Imin on recent fieldwork experience and use of remote ethnography methods. Organized by the Horizon Europe project Remote Ethnography of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Remote XUAR).

  • Séminaire Midis de la MSH "Uyghur Visual Art"

    18 Oct. 2023 (ULB)

    Presentation by Sonya Imin on recent fieldwork experiences: "Observations from the field: Uyghur artistic production in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan September 2023."

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  • "La musique et la performance en temps de crise, la résistance de la diaspora ouïghoure face à la mise en silence forcé"

    20 Apr. 2022 (ULB)

    Presentation by Mukaddas Mijit. Organized by Laboratoire de musicologie de l'ULB, seminars on "Music, Crises and Resilience (2) : Musical Political (Dis)Engagement of Threatened Communities in the Diaspora".

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  • "Uyghur Music and dance in the diaspora"

    5 Apr. 2022 (Columbia University, East Asian Music curriculum)

    Presentation by Mukaddas Mijit.

  • "Quel avenir pour les cultures autochtones?"

    20 Jan. 2022 (France, Theater of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines)

    Lecture by Mukaddas Mijit. Organized by Les labos du TSQY#4

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  • "Exposing Surveillance In The Uyghur Region In The Web Series Anar Pishti"

    16 Dec. 2021 (Online)

    Lecture by Vanessa Frangville. EURICS-University of Liège-IFRAE Webinar Series: "Capitalism, regimes of surveillance and the Covid-19 pandemics: lessons from China and Beyond".

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  • "Women and Activism in the Ongoing Uyghur Crisis"

    8 Dec. 2021 (Online)

    Lecture by Vanessa Frangville. Webinar on "Surviving from the Uyghur Crisis: Ethnicity, Gender, and Ethics" organized by Lund University.

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  • "Musique, performance et anthropologie engagée. Défendre la culture ouïghoure par la recherche et par l’art de la performance"

    30 Sept. 2021 (Online)

    Lecture by Mukaddas Mijit. Séminaire « Culture du monde » du master « Expérimentations et Recherches dans les Arts de la Scène », UFR Humanités - CLARE/ ARTES, Université Bordeaux Montaigne.

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  • "Uyghur Visions: Two Films"

    15 Sept. 2021 (Online).

    Presentation by Mukaddas Mijit followed by a Q&A. Organized by Professor Jenny Chio (East Asian Languages and Cultures/Anthropology) in the Transpacific Conversations & Anthropology Colloquium Series (University of South California).

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  • "Suffering in Silence? The Politics of Everyday Life in the Uyghur Diaspora"

    28 Apr. 2021 (Online)

    Presentation by Mukaddas Mijit. Panel with Dilnur Reyhan and Halmurat Harri Uyghur, chaired by David R. Stroup and David Tobin (University of Manchester).

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  • "Meshrep": Tarim Seminars #3

    19 July 2020 (Online)

    Lecture by Mukaddas Mijit. Organised by the Tarim Network,

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