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Academic and artistic activities from our team members.


  • TRAINING WORKSHOP: "The Image: how to write what you see, a workshop on visual methodologies"

    27 Nov. 2023 (ULB)

    Workshop by Sonya Imin on visual methodologies for the Master MITRA-EASt Collaborative Hybrid Workshop: "Hands-on training in quantitative and qualitative data analyses for graduate students." Workshop co-organized with the Erasmus Mundus Master program "Migrations Transnationales" (MITRA) at ULB.

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  • PANELIST: Intersectional colonisation and marginalisation around XUAR

    21 – 24 September 2023 (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

    Paper presentation by Sonya Imin at the European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS) 2023 conference in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Hosted by KIMEP University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, and Kazakh-German University (DKU).

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  • TALK: "Uyghur dance between social gatherings, stage performances and state propaganda"

    9-13 May 2023

    Paper presentation by Mukaddas Mijit. 24th CHIME International conference (European Foundation for Chinese Music Research)

  • TALK: "La sociabilité du mäshräp et la transmission d’une mémoire ouïghoure"

    9 May 2023 (CNRS, Paris).

    Paper presentation by Mukaddas Mijit. Atelier Eurasie centrale, Groupe Sociétés, religions, laïcité.

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  • TALK: "Parcours d’universitaires ouïghours sur fond de la politique de répression de l’État chinois"

    28-29 Nov. 2022 (Paris Nanterre)

    Presentation by Vanessa Frangville. Conference on "Cartographier les parcours d'exil", organized by Géo-récits (Pascale Laborier, Maissam Nimer, Nannan Brika).

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  • PANEL CHAIR/MODERATOR: Addressing Recent Debates on Colonialism and Uyghur History

    9-10 Nov. 2022 (Université de Genève)

    Vanessa Frangville and Sonya Imin: Panel chairs and moderators.

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  • TALK: "Recherche et création, interroger la fabrication d’un film ouïghour par une chercheuse/artiste ouïghoure"

    20-21 Oct. 2022 (France, Université Bordeaux Montaigne /ARTES)

    Lecture by Mukaddas Mijit. International conference "Le terrain en arts vivants Récits, méthodes, pratiques" organized by Éléonore Martin, Université Bordeaux Montaigne (ARTES) et Nathalie Gauthard, Université d’Artois.

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  • TALK: "Uyghur artists in exile: challenges and strategies in times of crisis"

    23-25 June 2022 (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3)

    Presentation by Sonya Imin and Vanessa Frangville. International conference "Artistes en exil: nouveaux paradigmes esthétiques?" organized, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3.

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  • TALK: "Elles dansent et elles sont heureuses : le corps de la femme ouïghoure dans les propagandes chinoises"

    12 Jan. 2022 (LISST-CAS/GARAE)

    Paper presentation by Mukaddas Mijit. Journée d'étude « Corps et patrimoine »  (LISST-CAS/GARAE).

  • TALK: "The Role of Testimonies in Documenting and Assessing the Uyghur Crisis"

    1-3 Sept. 2021 (UK, Newcastle University)

    Presentation by Vanessa Frangville. International Conference "The Xinjiang Crisis: Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, Justice" at Newcastle University. Paper later published as an article here.

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  • TALK: "Dancing to the beat of the CCP’s drum: recent productions related to Uyghurs from Tianshan Film Studio"

    24-27 Aug. 2021 (Online)

    Presentation by Vanessa Frangville. EACS conference,

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  • TALK "Unity Within Diversity: The Role of the “Minzu” Concept in China’s National Building"

    24-26 June 2021 (Online)

    Presentation by Vanessa Frangville. Conference on "The CCP’s 100-year trajectory through the prism of its founding principles: Organization, ideology, social bases, modernization and nation-building agenda". Organized by Inalco, French Research Institute on East Asia (IFRAE), the European Institute for Chinese Studies (EURICS) and the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (OSGA).

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