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Academic and artistic activities from our team members.


  • Uyghur poems

    27 Nov. 2023 (ULB)

    Organized and hosted by Sonya Imin. A poetry anthology presented by poet and editor Aziz Isa Elkun.

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  • Uyghur Anthology Book Launch

    16 Apr. 2023 (Harvard UMT)

    Co-organized and conveyed by Sonya Imin. Harvard UMT book event.


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  • Rencontre littéraire autour du numéro spécial de Jentayu sur la littérature ouïghoure

    25 Nov. 2022 (Paris, INALCO)

    Presentation by Vanessa Frangville.  Organized by INALCO. Readings by Merdan Ehet'eli and Dilnur Reyhan.

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  • Littérature ouïghoure en traduction

    14 Oct. 2022 (Librairie Le Pigeonnier in Taipei, Online).

    With Mukaddas Mijit, Vanessa Frangville and Jérôme Bouchaud. Presentation, readings and Q&A.

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  • Rencontre autour de Jentayu – littérature ouïghoure

    14. Oct. 2022 (Paris, Librairie le Phénix)

    With Mukaddas Mijit, Vanessa Frangville and Jérôme Bouchaud.

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  • Littérature ouïghoure: lecture et traduction

    8 Oct. 2022 (Brussels)

    Organized by Vanessa Frangville and Mukaddas Mijit. Presentation by Vanessa Frangville, Jérôme Bouchaud and Mukaddas Mijit. Readings by Mukaddas Mijit and Merdan Eheteli, followed by a Q&A.

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