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What we do

Various outcomes of our project, including publications, media appearances and audiovisual documents and performances.


  • A Chat in the Yurt, discussing Central Asia and Europe – Episode VIII, Uyghur Culture

    Podcast interview with Sonya Imin

    Interviews (press – radio – TV)

    In this eight episode, host Yelena Kilina (EUCAM communications associate) meets with Sonya Imin, researcher at the Maison des Sciences Humaines of the Université libre de Bruxelles (MSH-ULB) and member of the project Remote XUAR: Remote Ethnography of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, funded by the EU. Together they discuss the recently published Contemporary Uyghur Anthology: Under the Mulberry Tree; a book of art and literature by the Uyghur diaspora. How do Uyghurs preserve their culture and identity while living in exile? What narratives are being addressed through Uyghur creative arts? An important conversation within the scope of EUCAM as the Uyghur diaspora is part of European and Central Asian societies.  

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  • ‘Nikah’: An astonishing portrait of Uyghur life on the edge of erasure

    Review of Nikah

    Darren Byler, the China Project

    Interviews (press – radio – TV)

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  • We have to possess our own art

    Radio interview with Mukaddas Mijit


    Interviews (press – radio – TV), Ra

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  • «Nikah», mariage ouïghour aux premières heures d’un génocide

    Film review

    Laurence Defranoux, Libération

    Interviews (press – radio – TV)

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  • La cinéaste ouïghoure Mukaddas Mijit : “La région est comme une prison à ciel ouvert”

    Press interview with Mukaddas Mijit


    Interviews (press – radio – TV)

  • En Europe, l’offensive de charme controversée du gouverneur régional du Xinjiang

    Press interview with Vanessa Frangville


    Interviews (press – radio – TV)

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  • Les chefs d’oeuvre de la littérature ouïghoure dans la collection Jentayu

    Press interview with Vanessa Frangville

    Radio Free Asia

    Interviews (press – radio – TV)

    Interview with Radio Free Asia

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  • La Haut-Commissaire de l’ONU reprend à son compte le récit chinois

    Press interview with Vanessa Frangville

    Le 1 hebdo

    Press articles and op-ed

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  • Les preuves existent : Pékin a enfermé de façon arbitraire au moins un million de Ouïghours dans des camps et des prisons

    Press interview with Vanessa Frangville

    Le Monde

    Press articles and op-ed

    • Op-ed republished by La Libre, 10 June 2022.
    • Op-ed republished in English by Vice (Un Human Rights Chief is silent on China’s abuses in Xinjiang, and scholars are fuming) 8 June 2022.
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  • The emergence and the vanishing of a space of resistance: the Uyghur online series Anar Pishti

    EURiCS (European Institute for Chinese Studies) Brief, Feb. 2022, p.5-6.

    Vanessa Frangville

    Press articles and op-ed

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  • La répression politique en région ouïghoure : bilan et perspectives

    L’Artichaut, 39/2, Dec. 2021, pp.13-19.

    Vanessa Frangville

    Press articles and op-ed

  • Chinese cinema’s push to produce the ideal Uyghur citizen

    Coda Story, 5 Nov. 2020.

    Vanessa Frangville

    Press articles and op-ed

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  • Répression chinoise dans la région ouïghoure : que savons-nous ?

    Diplomatie, grand dossier n°62, Summer 2021, pp.58-61.

    Vanessa Frangville

    Press articles and op-ed

  • La matinale

    TV interview with Vanessa Frangville


    Interviews (press – radio – TV)

  • Stratégies de désinformation et de diversion de Pékin sur la question ouïghoure

    Le Soir (Carta Academica), 15 May 2021

    Vanessa Frangville

    Press articles and op-ed

    Republished by Mediapart on 17 May 2021.

  • Cyberattaque: annulation forcée à la Chambre des auditions sur le Xinjiang

    Press interview with Vanessa Frangville

    Le Soir

    Interviews (press – radio – TV)

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  • With Arnaud Ruyssen

    Radio interview with Vanessa Frangville

    RTBF/La Première

  • Ouïghours : front occidental contre Pékin

    Radio interview with Vanessa Frangville

    France Culture, Affaires étrangères with Christine Ockrent

    Interviews (press – radio – TV)

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  • Les relations entre la Chine et le reste du monde

    TV interview with Vanessa Frangville

    LN24, Chez Laurette et Olivier, with Laurette Onkelinx and Olivier Maingain

    Interviews (press – radio – TV)

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  • The University of Exeter’s Complicity in the Uyghur Genocide

    Press interview with Vanessa Frangville

    Exeposé (The University of Exeter)

    Interviews (press – radio – TV)

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  • Zijn Oeigoerse strafkampen ook echt ‘concentrationkamps’?

    Press interview with Vanessa Frangville

    Gisèle Nath, De Standaard

    Interviews (press – radio – TV)

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  • China uses rape as torture tactic against Uyghur detainees, victim says

    Press interview with Vanessa Frangville

    Asim Kashgarian, Voice of America

    Interviews (press – radio – TV)

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  • Le génocide des Ouïghours, un silence imposé par la Chine

    Caractères, journal de Science Po Toulouse, N. 3, pp.18-21, Feb. 2021

    Vanessa Frangville

    Interviews (press – radio – TV)

  • Qui sont les Ouïghours ? Minorité musulmane persécutée en Chine

    TV interview with Vanessa Frangville

    Amouwatin TV

    Interviews (press – radio – TV)

  • "La Chine cherche à s'implanter en Europe pour y imposer ses normes"

    Press interview with Vanessa Frangville

    La Libre, l’invitée du samedi, with Jonas Legge

    Interviews (press – radio – TV)

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  • Colonisation, répression, assimilation

    Politis, n. 1635, 7-13 Jan. 2021.

    Louise Pluyaud and Suzanne Adner, Vanessa Frangville

    Interviews (press – radio – TV)